The loader manufacturer comes to tell you about the anti-cor

Data:2023-03-27 15:37   Author:admin   Click:
The loader manufacturer has come to tell you what are the better ways to prevent corrosion of road machinery and equipment. Corrosion is caused by chemical reactions, and it is for this reason that mechanical equipment used on the road surface undergoes corrosion, resulting in damage to mechanical components. This is a relatively common phenomenon for road machinery. After the road machinery is corroded, the appearance, color, and basic functions of the equipment may change, which actually causes considerable damage to the equipment and also losses economic benefits.
Generally speaking, mechanical equipment used in the manufacturing industry is made of carbon steel, which has one characteristic: low price, convenient procurement process, and convenient for the later processing process. If this material is used in ordinary environments, there will be no significant corrosion, and if used on mechanical equipment, there will be no significant harm. If the design of mechanical construction shapes is not reasonable, there may be some problems such as thermal stress and dust accumulation, which may further lead to local corrosion. Therefore, corrosion prevention should be fully considered in the design.
When welding, try to avoid defects, as these defects are likely to lead to later corrosion points. For example, a series of problems such as stress concentration in undercuts and the formation of cracks in recessed edges can occur, and these problems may lead to corrosion in later use.
The above is the anti-corrosion method for road machinery and equipment that will be discussed today. If you have other questions, you can leave us a message.