Preventing small loader tire accidents

Data:2023-03-27 15:41   Author:admin   Click:
First of all, with the widespread use of small loaders, some problems gradually arise. Friends who are concerned about us should actually know that daily maintenance is a very important operating procedure. Sometimes, with the hot weather, if the loaders are outside for a long time, they can easily burst. Therefore, in order to prevent this phenomenon from occurring, I summarized a few requirements for my friends, so let's not talk much nonsense, Interested friends, let's continue to read on.
In the process of using, if we find that the tire pressure or temperature is too high, we should park the vehicle in a cool place to cool down before continuing driving. However, we should not use deflation to reduce the tire pressure or use cold water to pour hot tires to avoid accidents during the operation of small loaders. In summer, when the temperature is too high, because the number of tire layers for small loaders is mostly about 14, compared to large tires, heat transfer is faster, and it is easy to overheat the tires, causing an increase in internal pressure, causing the physical properties of the tires to decline, leading to a tire blowout.
Let's finish the summary of today's article first. I hope it can be helpful to you. If you have any good brocade clothes for loaders, friends are welcome to discuss with us. Of course, if you feel that our products are suitable for you, and if you have time, we suggest that you come to our company for a field visit, We will have professional staff for you to summarize and share with friends.